Getting Ready
We are back home for a day, getting ready to leave for Europe. We drove the boys to Katie's Sunday after church. When we arrived she had a big surprise for them. She had taken pictures of them from the past two soccer seasons, blown them up to poster size and then had them laminated.They were all hanging on the walls, along with a World Cup soccer ball in a net hanging in the middle of the wall.There were about a dozen small soccer postcards mounted on painted clothespins as you walked in the room. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera with me. She really made them feel special. I talked to her after we got home last night and she had already taken them to the library for some new books.The guest room is now referred to as the boys room:)I've not been without children for 26 years, so it does feel a bit strange to not have children to care for.I'm heading out to do some last minute weeding in the yard, vacuuming of the stairs, etc. I don't mind living in a messy house...I just can't stand to come home to one! I will probably be unable to post for the next three weeks, but then I should have a lot of catching up to do!